Stafflex works with Huddersfield’s Business Partnership Team offering part-time jobs for students

Monday, April 9, 2018

Stafflex has teamed up with The University of Huddersfield’s Business Partnership Team to provide a source of part-time jobs for the students.

Stafflex recently offered advice to undergraduates at the Student Union’s part-time jobs fair which sparked an interest for part-time work. Students are now able to access and apply for a range of part-time vacancies on the University Career’s JobShop website varying from receptionists in an office environment to pickers and packers on the warehouse production line.

Stafflex Office Team Leader, Sarah McDonagh said: “Matching job seekers with potential employers is what we do every day and it is no different for students. Many students tend to stick around throughout the summer so there are opportunities for them to work in a temporary part-time roles – it’s great that we can help them out!”.

For more information about the job’s at University of Huddersfield, visit the following pages: and